I Love Me

I love ME. 
 The woman I was.... 
The woman I am... 
And the woman I will become.

I love my smile. The way it radiates and perfects every contour of my face. The beauty and shine on every silver line.
I love the sparkle of my beautiful brown eyes, as it caresses and speaks, without even a whisper, the depth of the desires of my heart.

I love the softness of my thick, rich, black hair, as it shelters and covers my crown, with every curl and with every glow. 
The sway of my hips and my fearfully and wonderfully made body, as I gracefully walk with honour and pride with each stride.

I love my hands.... because they have toiled and tilled and touched the newness of life, with petal softness and care, as they fold and unfold.
My feet... because they have scaled mountain tops.... run across the deepest valleys... walked upon stones and thorns... and leaped for joy as they followed in the Lord's footsteps.

I love my heart... because it is filled with so much love.... to give, to unfold, to heal, to comfort, to rejoice, to forgive.... and to let go of what weighs me down with pain.

For every moment of brokenness. For every moment of fear. For every moment of doubt and scare. For all the wear and tare. The days when I need mercy. The days when no one care. The sunshine on the rainy days. The days when I loose my way. The million tears I try to hide. The aches that no one knows, how wide. The scars upon my back on days, I pray, no eyes can see. The me I lost so many times. When those around me flee. The me that I am now. 

Gratefully and gracefully, I love the me,



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