Happy Mother's Day Mama.

 Mama... Could you hold me in your arms a little longer... I feel naked without you by my side. Mama... Could you wipe away the tears from my eyes... because everytime I think of you, I miss you more each day. Mama... let me hug you a little tighter.... Because I don't want you to leave me. Mama... let me taste your scent on my lips... Because I want to remember your smell. 

Mama... Could I eat from your plate... Yours is so much better than mine. Mama.... Let me drink from your cup... Mine has long been emptied. Mama... let me look at you... You look so beautiful to me. Mama... Your smile lights up the room, everytime you come in. Mama..  Could you sing me a song? Can you teach me to dance one last time?

Mama.... I ache... Mama... I cry.... Mama... I miss you. Where did you go? Why did you leave me? Didn't you know that I would forever need you by my side? Mama.... Can you hear my voice? I long to touch you. I long to see you. I long to hear your voice. Mama.... I am hungry for a meal that you have prepared. 

Mama... Do you miss me? Mama... I can't find you anywhere. My heart is broken. I am in deep despair. Mama.... I look at your photographs and I am overtaken by grief. You are no longer here. I wish you were here. Mama... Mother's Day is a few days away.... And you are not here.. Who should I give a present to? Who should I hug? Who should I call? Who should I bake a cake for?When other children are surrounded by their mother.... I am not surrounded by you. Mama... How do I mend my broken heart? 

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY in heaven Mama. Your memory will forever live on in my heart. 

As you sit at the feet of Jesus... Know that I will meet you there. 


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