Give The Lord A Chance

 You may be a drug addict. You may be a prostitute. You may be a thief. You may be an alcoholic. Whatever your addiction is.... know that there is hope for a better tomorrow in Jesus name. YOU may be bound by your weakness. You may be in a prison of your own making. But today, you can be set free, in Jesus name.

There is absolutely nothing you can do... nothing you can say... nothing you can think, that will ever change the way the Lord feels about you. HE died on the cross of Calvary. HE shed HIS blood for you. To set you free from every spirit of bondage..  from every spirit of fear.... You are no longer a slave to sin. Who the Son of Man sets free, is free indeed. 

Do not be discouraged. God has a plan for your life. He said, HE will never leave you nor forsake you, but HE will be with you even unto the end of

your life. Today, I encourage you to lean on HIM. CALL on HIM. Invite HIM into your heart. Ask the Lord to forgive you of all your sins. Give the Lord a chance. 


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