For Or Against You

If you knew that you only had a few months to live, would you still continue to live the life you are accustomed to living? Would your choices be the same? Would little disagreements manufacture and escalate into separation and division in your relationships? 

Your eyes would be opened. Your ears would be cleared of every distraction. Your choice of food and drink would change drastically. There would be a wheel inside of a wheel, in those that surrounds you. 

The murmur of your beating heart, would be overwhelmingly appreciated. What you took for granted before, would become a thing of the past. You would recognize the collective success of valuing material possessions as being just... vanity. 

Thoughts of what you would never see... never experience, would be highlighted in your brokenness and despair. Moment by moment, you would learn to taste. To savour. To store in a cocoon inside your heart, what you might only carry in your memory.

Forgiveness would be made manifest. Your words would be seasoned with salt. Your loved ones touch and smell and smile would no more be discarded and deemed as being insignificant and meaningless... Rather, you would bury it deep inside your heart, with tears of wanting more. 

You would finally recognize and remember who God is, in your endeavour to meet the Lord face to face and hear Him say... well done. You would no longer laugh and spit at others, with your words and actions.....

Life is short. We are not here on this earth to live forever. It is appointed unto man, once to die and after that is the judgment. Whether you have six months or sixty years to live... learn to cherish every single moment. Be a peacemaker. Stay humble. Everything you think is important today, you will die and leave it right here. Learn to live each day as if it is your last. And live for Almighty God... because one of these days, you would realize,

only that shall stand... FOR or AGAINST you.


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