Don't Be A Routine

Where do you see yourself in the years ahead? Have you ever given any thought to that? It is so easy to say... well... I'll be such and such... or... I'll be married with five children. But what are you doing today... in your efforts to achieving your goals? 
Sometimes we get so caught up in doing the same thing every single day...we get up in the morning....we go off to work... come home... eat, shower, sleep... and do the same thing again tomorrow... Our life becomes a routine. It becomes programmed. 
When do we take a time out.... When do we devote our time, to enjoying the fulfillment of our short life, here on earth.... Our life here is temporary... Our position is temporary.... Our possessions are temporary.... Our passion is temporary.
Every moment is to be looked upon as a tremendous blessing. What God has granted unto us today, can be taken away tomorrow. Every day you live, should be a day of celebration.... Gratitude... Repentance. 
Make sure your name is written down in the Lamb's Book Of Life. Make sure, that your life is a reflection of who God is in you. Let HIM be glorified in everything you do. 
One of these days, we will leave everything behind. One of these days will be, one of two things... happily ever after.. or... sorrow ever after. 
In years to come, may you be able to say... YES, I did it.. I fought a good fight of faith and I won. I am who God created me to be. I ran my race and I have finished my course. 


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