Speak Life Into You

Be careful of the words you speak over and into your lives. Your words can be curses or they can be blessings. 
If you say you are stupid.... you are a fool.... you will amount to nothing... you will never achieve anything in your life... you will always be poor.... you were born into something and you will die in it... You are making declarations of who and what you will become. 
The seeds that you sow into your life, will grow and one day become trees... with fruits that You will reap. So choose your words wisely. Speak life into you. Speak the Fruits of the Spirit into you. Speak the Blood of Jesus over your life.
Speak life and hope and faith and favour. Speak divine experiences and divine encounters. Let the words of your mouth, be acceptable to glorify the Lord and to heal you and deliver you from every spirit of bondage.
If you have spoken curses and it is manifesting, then know that it Can be broken... in Jesus name.  What the devil meant for bad... the Lord can and will

turn it into something good.
Ask the Lord to come into your life and take control of every whisper... every word... every thought.... every deed. Your situation can and will be changed... but the power and the authority lies with you. 
The Lord has equipped you with everything you need, to do what is necessary to live a peaceful life here on earth. But the choice is yours. Everything you do, is a choice. 
So make the right ones. 


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